I Took the SlumberPod Toddler Bed on a Cruise, and Now It’s My Whole Personality
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I Took the SlumberPod Toddler Bed on a Cruise, and Now It’s My Whole Personality

Confession: The idea of ​​sharing a room with my toddlers while traveling scares me. My solution is always to book a vacation rental or hotel suite with more space, both to keep the kids separate and so my husband and I don’t have to quietly tiptoe around the dark in a paranoid stupor, trying not to wake our children before going to bed.

However, reserving a larger space is not always an option. This was the case for us on a recent Disney cruise, where we would be sharing a room with our four-year-old (who is hyper-dependent on his bedtime routine at home). That’s when I caved and paid full price for the SlumberPod Toddler Bed, an item considered by many to be a “travel lifesaver,” that I had been stalking for months.

What exactly is the SlumberPod?

The SlumberPod fits mini cribs, pack-and-plays and air mattresses (Photo: SlumberPod)

The SlumberPod is a bottomless tent made from a breathable, stretchy blackout fabric that can fit pack-and-plays, mini cribs, and air mattresses.

With ventilation panels and a zippered front access window for added security, the SlumberPod creates a dark, comfortable “safe” space, free of distractions, so kids can sleep peacefully while parents stay awake and n They don’t have to worry about lights or television. , or their kids see them and want to party all night. (We’ve all been there.) Additional features include a monitor pocket and an optional mini fan. Oh, and it was invented by moms. Need I say more?

How to travel with a SlumberPod?

Woman and girl packing a suitcaseWoman and girl packing a suitcase
Compact and lightweight, the SlumberPod fits easily into a carry-on suitcase

Weighing just five pounds, the SlumberPod Toddler Bed fits easily into a purse. We use it with an inflatable air mattress and both are compact, lightweight and quick to assemble. In less than five minutes we had everything ready, nestled in a corner next to my son’s audio machine at home – storm setting, volume on the fourth dial.

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Two foldable support poles are part of the package. My advice is to ask an adult to ride it without anyone else. Especially if this is your first time handling the SlumberPod, the poles are fragile (not a fault, so they can bend with the shape of the canopy) and could tear out your eyeball if you don’t don’t pay attention.

Does the SlumberPod fit in any cruise ship cabin?

Sleeping tent installed inside the cruise cabinSleeping tent installed inside the cruise cabin
The SlumberPod fits perfectly into Disney Treasure’s Deluxe Ocean View Family Veranda Cabin (Photo: Gina Kramer)

Think of it this way: any cabin that can accommodate a pack-and-play or mini crib will fit the SlumberPod. The same goes for hotels and resorts.

So far, I’ve only brought the SlumberPod on Disney Treasure, where we stayed in a deluxe family cabin with an ocean view and veranda. These cabins are some of the most spacious standard accommodations at sea, so we didn’t have to move any furniture into the living space and still had plenty of space even after installation. We have never had any problems in hotel rooms.

EXTEND: 7 Best Cruise Cabins for Families Who Need More Space

Several online reviews from parents who have brought their SlumberPods on a cruise attest that you can fit them in the cabins of various cruise lines, including Carnival Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean, and Norwegian Cruise Line, usually with a little redesign of the layout.

When booking your cruise, be sure to request a pack-and-play or mini crib in advance. Cruise lines provide these upon request, and it’s always best to get one early to ensure availability.

Should you splurge on the SlumberPod?

Young boy sleeping under a tentYoung boy sleeping under a tent
My four-year-old had a miraculous nap on our Disney Treasure cruise (Photo: Gina Kramer)

If your toddler is a light sleeper or can’t share a bed with you, if you’re tired of trying to hang sheets from the windows, if your children thrive on familiarity (darkness and feeling safe) , or if you honestly have no idea. and you just want to make sure everyone is asleep on your next trip or you’ll all go crazy, then the SlumberPod is definitely worth a look.

Hell, my son—whose bedtime routine at home sometimes stretches into several hours because he has trouble “turning it off”—slept through the night in his SlumberPod toddler bed. You could say I’m slightly obsessed. From now on, we no longer go on trips without one.

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