4 Cool Travel Jobs for Recent College Grads
There is something both utterly exciting and deeply disconcerting about earning a college degree. For most graduates, you’re in your early 20s and launched out of school and into the world, a place where you’re on your own for money, health insurance, and life goals.
And that can do a lot. But for many, it’s also the perfect time to be bold and go on an adventure. With that in mind, I’m rounding up some of my favorite ways to get paid or at least get out, even while traveling.
JENZA (formerly BUNAC)
I know quite a few people who did a BUNAC exchange in their early 20s and still consider it one of the best things they ever did. Both BUNAC and JENZA have changed names, with BUNAC now focusing on helping young people come to work at summer camps in the United States and JENZA as an organization helping young people looking for working holidays and international internships.
Secondary roads
Backroads, an active travel company offering walking, walking, cycling and multi-sport tours around the world, is regularly hiring new trip leaders and support leaders. Trip leaders are in charge of support during the trip as well as equipment and logistics, while support leaders provide some of the tours that require additional daily preparation and troubleshooting as well as support in van. A friend of mine worked as a Backroads tour leader after college for a few seasons and loved the skills she learned, the work, and the chance to see the world.
The organization WWOOF, Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms, does not offer paid work, but it connects you with organic farms around the world who offer an educational exchange that includes free accommodation and meals in exchange for a few hours per targeted work day. on ecological agricultural practices. I know a few people who have spent time as WWOOFers and loved it. This one really requires that you have saved money in advance, but keeps on-ground travel costs very low since your meals and accommodation are covered. And since it only represents a few hours of work per day, you will also have plenty of time to discover the destination.
Internships and jobs on cruise ships
Many cruise lines offer internship and employment programs aimed at students, recent graduates, and twenty-somethings. For example, Carnival offers a summer internship program and an 18-month leadership development program.